Welcome to Familiars
Sally Rasmussen turns 60 years old this year. She is the owner of Familiars. And, she is in the process of accomplishing all that she is capable of. If you ever have the opportunity to walk into her store and you have any interest at all in what got America to where we are today, you will be enthralled by the nuanced items that she has collected and has on display. You don’t even have to buy anything, just become more aware of our collective past; yours, mine,… ours.
A Walk Down Memory Lane
Downtown Medford on a Sunday morning
Familiarization Bench -
A place to Rest and Rehab
Cool Odd Old Stuff
The Logging Times
Old Musket without Manufacturer’s Mark WALLHANGER
Hammerless Double Barrel “Minnesota Arms Co" Disassembled
Modern Lyman Replica 1860 Army
Black Powder
These guns do NOT function
Familiars Old Time Desk
Familiars Farming
Familiars Pendulum Clocks
Familiars Military
Familiars Logging Photos and Tools
Familiars Family Photos and Books
Familiars Shorts
Where we highlight Our Sections of Unique 19th Century and Early 20th Century Items

Familiars Authentic Western Collection purchased from an auction in Wyoming for pricing and availability see the Store.
Familiars Back-end
Where Tom does his thing
Where we do the work
And you don’t Mess Around with Sally